Jesse Update.....

Jesse had his two month check-up last week. Just wanted to give you all a brief update on what's going on with him and us. Currently he weighs almost 18 pounds - this is the size of a typical six month old! He has gained just about a pound a week since birth! The pediatrician is not worried YET, but she says that his weight is not only off the charts, but it is now "skyrocketing." Soooo, our little guy truly is on a diet now! She said that every once in awhile she'll see this happen with a nursing baby - it's more common with formula fed babies, but it does happen. Very weird - Kaden has never had a chubby bone on his body and he nursed much more than Jesse does. Interesting.

So now, not only do I have to be really strict with the times of his feedings, I also have to cut them in half! She wants to see if this rapid weight gain is due to my milk before he has his blood tested for diabetes, metabolic issues, or whatever. We're not really worried, but it's just made it that much more fun with an already fussy baby!

And for our further enjoyment, not only does Jesse continue to be a wretched napper and a fairly crabby baby - he also gets to have his meals cut in half which makes for an even CRABBIER baby. Mommy's had a few VERY overwhelming days. Many days of perpetual crying and screaming. (Jesse....not me. :0) I'm doing okay. I know that this too, shall pass, so I'm trying to keep perspective. Although some days are REEEEEEALY long. I owe many friends and family members phone calls, but lately it's a little hard to carry on conversations amidst the hollering! It's okay, though. I'm still really trying to savor this season of babyhood. Soon enough, he'll be a little boy running all around.

On a bright note - Friday is my very last class where my very last paper is due and then I am officially GRAJITATED! That will be one thing that I can get off my plate, so I'm looking forward to that. So, this afternoon after I give Jesse his supper, I'm headed to Panera for a good five hours to work on my paper, do some devos, and have some yummy food all by my lonesome. That's only two hours away......not that I'm counting the minutes or anything! :0)


Anonymous said...

You poor thing! Again, I really think you guys are trying to scare Esther and I out of ever having children :O) I'm sure our husbands would disagree... Congrats on school ending! We will be praying for you. All of you!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, Amy, I do love you. Hugs and prayers for you and all your boys!