Push to Reset.

You ever have days...or weeks, even where you feel like life is just sort of spinning a bit out of control?  Whew.  I feel like these past couple of weeks have kind of kicked my butt. 

My visit up home with the hoolies was timely.  It's just a completely different culture up there.  Slower.  Steadier.  More relaxed.  And I'm sure it's due in part to me being away from my own home that needs to be cleaned, and garden that needs to be harvested, and veggies that need to be canned, and meals that need to be cooked, and laundry that needs to be washed....

But, whatever the reasons...it was nice.
We took a visit to Mom's old homestead where she grew up; and the kids played in the very same grove of trees that she played in as a little girl with her siblings.  Together, we walked through the fields and the trees - and as I watched her go back in time and revisit all of her old haunts, telling me all of her old stories, and remembering all of her old memories that she has cherished ever since she was a child...it reminded me once again.

This season is fleeting.
And I want my kids' childhood memories to be good.

These crazy days of spinning are pointless, and "all our busy rushing ends in nothing."
And my boys are only little for just a bit of time.
So, as we've settled back into home these past few days...I am remembering these things and treasuring them in my heart.

I remember how Grammy took the time for tea parties...

And how cousins & Grampy took the time for hours of wheeling and just being together...
HOME centers me in more ways than one...
So, this week we have slowed again.  The agendas are out the window.  The boys are allowed to just be boys.  And the Mama is slowing to see the sacred...

Like...throwing our written science curriculum to the wind, worrying far less about checking the assigned work off our list for each day, and exploring the science that ventured into our own backyard...

And things like taking a week off from all things in life to just "be." I need that sometimes.
I need that to really be able to see my kids.  I need that to really be able to find myself.

Because sometimes when I get too busy, I push them aside in favor of my lists.  And a clean house is more important than little boys with filled up love tanks.  And t.v. fills in nicely as a substitute for their Mama.  And facebook fills up the quiet moments.

So, this week is slow.
It is quiet.
And it is good.

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