Sick Days.

It's been a little over a week since Jesse puked all over our friend's couch that fine Sunday evening with a roomful of college kids all around us looking on with various degrees of disbelief and repulsion! I do believe we were a healthy dose of birth control for those kids that evening as they watched me cup my hands into a makeshift bowl and catch as much of the stuff as I could, while the rest projectiled onto his older brother and oozed down through the cushions into the back of the couch.

Good times.
Good GOOD times.

Needless to say, for the past week or so, the boys have been invalids - stuck inside the four walls of this house battling all sorts of deliciousness - fevers, coughing, and diarrea to be precise with nary a soul to play with or visit because of our galloping gross-ness.

But, today I felt like we all rounded a corner just a bit, and I have been craving the great outdoors. So, we went outside just for a wee bit to "get the stink blown off of us," as my Grammy used to say.

And while Kaden just laid down on the lawn for most of our time, and Ransom was a grumpy pants because he kept tripping over himself, and methinks Jesse's cough is just a bit more aggravated because of all of his vigorous "Jesse-esque" running...

I'm still glad we did it.
I was going crazy...

And now we veg and recover some more.

P.j.'s, hot cereal, movies, and popcorn.
Books on c.d., vics vaporizers, cough drops, and honey.
Fuzzy blankets, warm hot tea, cozy stories.
Afternoon naps, hours on the couch, and warm toasty fires.

(#2686-#2700 - my joy journey)

Being sick has its perks...

* * * * *
2701. Slower days.
2702. Mellow boys.
2703. Quiet afternoons.
2704. More restful nights.
2705. Friends who don't care.
2706. A Daddy who helps.
2707. Learning self-lessness.
2708. Working on mercy.
2709. Being patient.
2710. Privileged to love.

"As much as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me." ~ Jesus.


Rachael said...

Aw...sorry you've had sick kids this week...not fun at all! But entertaining how it all began. :-)
How is it your barred rock looks so feathered and beautiful? My girlies have feathers missing in spots. Methinks there's a bully in the bunch...

life with my boys said...

Rach - maybe they're molting? Mine were looking a little funky a few months ago and there were feathers all over their pen. I freaked out, but then I googled molting, and sure enough that's what they were doing. Naked spots everywhere!!! Now they're fluffy again. Could be it? Or could be you have a nasty nelly as well.

When the hoolies are better I sure would like to see you one last time before your hands are full and whilst your belly still is - largely so!

love it.
~ Amy