Chicken Run.

My chickens escaped today while I was mucking out their coop, and I just didn't have the heart to chase them back inside. They were so happy to be free, and the boys were so happy to have them be free, and I was so happy watching them be free, that I just decided to let the chips fall where they may for the day.

Smudge was very unsure of what to think of this entire procedure.
He even attempted a pounce or two at them.

They were completely unfazed and even rose to the challenge a bit.
And after that, for the rest of the morning, they all just sort of hung out together.
It was very sweet and funny.


It's the simple things around here, I guess.
The very...very...simple things.


rachael a said...

Haha! :)
I love it

Anonymous said...

We've decided this year to let ours run free, so we're fencing in the gardens, and crossing our fingers the hungry fox finds something else to eat. :) Here's hoping. Ang S.