Summer's Last Hurrah.

Every summer we try to spend at least one long week-end with each set of parents. It seems that days can become so busy that we literally have to schedule in family time with each other. For the past two or three summers, that's exactly what we've done. We put our heads together, matched our calendars, and decided to spend our summer's last hurrah with Kev's family together back at Rangeley.

Our place of bliss.

There was a whole lot of this...

And vegging out like this...

Smudge had himself a gloriously fine time...

And of course, there was much this....

Truthfully, we are all coming home far more exhausted than when we left. Our immediate family all slept in the boathouse together - which the boys loved - but which also meant that whatever child woke up first, well, that was it for the rest of us. And while I love my little darlings more than life itself, I do not relish sleeping with them in the same room for several nights in a row. Kaden talks incessantly in his sleep, Jesse flops around and contorts in his bed all night long, Ransom wakes up for random stints of time all night long to play with the toys in his pack'n'play, and while we were there, the kitten ran laps over everyone's sleeping bags in the middle of the night. It was really quite joyous.

However, sleep was not what this little trip was about. It was about being with Grammy and Grampy and being together as a family. Memories were made, the weather was beautiful, fun games and late night chats were had, fish were caught and eaten, and summer is winding down just as it should.

1827. Warm sunny days, cool crisp nights.
1828. Staying up for popcorn and stories.
1829. Camp coffee first thing in the morning.
1831. All five of us snuggling first thing in the morning.
1832. Kittens curled up with little boys.
1838. Swims, frogs, trout, and crayfish.
1839. Grampy and Grammy reading stories.
1842. Big breakfasts and simple suppers.
1847. Losing all track of time.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Sweet. I want to be an adopted member of your family and go to Rangeley. Not to be jealous, but...

Oh -- and I've made your chocolate chip zucchini cake TWICE -- we LOVE it. love it!!

I love YOU, my dear ol' friend. Enjoy these last days of summer...