Current Critter Count.

"A perfect summer day to a little boy means, a scrape on the knee, mud on his face, and collecting bugs in the garden." ~ Author Unknown

Yup. That pretty much perfectly sums up life in our home!

Currently, we have residing with us one luna moth larvae, one red salamander, and one little snake. The luna moth larvae has cocooned himself away for the winter. Barring any catastrophe - which I'm not holding my breath around here, for sure - we just might get ourselves a luna moth some day!

I shall love you, and kiss you, and call you Grody...


KateO said...

my boys found a luna moth caterpillar earlier this summer and it sufficiently grossed me out. I could only imagine squishing it and how squishy it would be. ew.
This is one aspect of mothering boys I do not love. Critters skeev me and eww...
but glad you love it!;)

Shannie said...

I on the other hand am jealous of your luna moth larva. We found a cool caterpillar in hopes that we'd be able to watch the whole process, gave him leaves and sticks, but he is dead in the jar this morning. Oh well. :(