
**Our computer is on the fritz and won't let me download any pics, so today I'm writing about stuff that's been whirling around in my brain as of late - one in which pictures of baby kittens, garden produce, and the backsides of my hoolies wouldn't be required, anyway....


Lately, I find myself thinking a lot about what Jesus' life must have looked like when He walked this earth...and how He might have felt throughout most of those thirty-three years. I feel like He probably caused quite a stir wherever He went. And I think He probably had someone upset with Him or questioning His motives almost all of the time.

That must not have been very much fun.
I wonder if He had thick skin?
I wonder if He got His feelings hurt easily?
I wonder if He got discouraged when people questioned His motives?
Did it bother Him when people disapproved?
Did He feel disheartened when people misunderstood?

He was human after all...

For as long as I can remember, I have always been a people pleaser. Maybe it's personality, maybe it's a middle child thing, maybe it's because I want people to like me. Whichever way you look at it, I've always kind of struggled with the idea of someone being upset with me or if someone disapproved of any of my actions.

I am happiest when everyone around me is happy.
But, life's a journey, right?

My family and I - we are all in process, and we are all on a journey. We're all beautiful messes just trying to live out our lives the best way that we know how, in a way that honors the Lord in obedience to Him. We are all trying to listen to His still, small voice and follow His leading to the best of our ability. Kev writes more over here...

And I can honestly say that I'm growing. I'm becoming more confident in who I am and in what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm becoming less concerned when other's question things or don't see eye to eye with me - if I know that what I am doing is right before the Lord. My skin is not thick, but that's okay.

I read somewhere that it's really impossible to please everyone all of the time...and if you actually manage to succeed in doing this - chances are good that there might be something wrong. Sometimes we have to take stands.

Jesus was not a people pleaser.
Jesus did not make everyone happy all of the time.
Jesus stepped on toes.
Jesus made some unpopular decisions.
Jesus - on a regular basis - stepped out of the box and went against the grain.
He did what He did in love - always in love - but He was radical.

I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Agreed. I heart you, Amy!