Cowboy Coffee.

How to make your very own backyard, redneck brew.
No electricity required.

A tutorial.

This summer, whenever we've gone up Noa'th to "The County," Dad and I...

This is he...

This also is my Padre...

...have enjoyed ourselves our very own homefire brewed cup 'o joe.
We have enjoyed it so much, in fact, that I thought I would give a wee tutorial on my blog, so that all of my coffee loving friends, could share in the cultured class that my Father and I so much enjoy.

Providing you are allowed to build a fire in the middle of your driveway, of course.

I think it's crazy fun.
I'm not sure why, exactly, but in any case - it's super easy, surprisingly delish, and a lovely conversation starter for whomever might drop in for a dooryard visit...which people don't do so much anymore in the city, but they do so very much still in "The County."

It's also a lovely little deviation from the perked or french pressed, or regular drip-drip that you can make any old day of the week. It's a little more, er "rugged," shall we say...maybe not for the faint of heart, but it's definitely at least worth a one time try.


All you need is an old coffee can with a couple of holes punched in the sides and wire woven through for a handle. Find a way to hang it over your open fire that has burned down nicely to a smouldering Smudge.

Fill your can 3/4 full of water - OR measure out how many cups you plan to drink, and allow it to almost boil. Throw in a fistful of coffee granules (not the instant kind) - OR if you want to measure, do 1/8 cup for every 2 cups of coffee - like you would a regular pot of coffee. (To do it true redneck style though, just chuck in a handful).

Let "perk" for as strong as you want it to be - 3-5 minutes or it for 10 if you want to be wired. THEN! Here comes the coolest part...throw in a cupful of cold water and PRESTO! (most of) the coffee grinds sink down to the bottom, and you've got yourself a dang good cup of cowboy coffee!

Cook yourself some campfire popcorn, put a little Hank Williams on in the background, and your day is golden!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Mom has been talking so much about HER visit to 'the County'...this exact recipe for Coffee..and all the fun she had with all you crazies!!! :) You're one of a kind, Ame...I love ya.