Isn't It Ironic?

I had a very interesting little conversation this week with one of my dear relatives concerning God, faith, weddings, and raising our kids to love Jesus! The entire discussion centered around what took place at our wedding eleven years ago. Before I walked down the aisle, I had pre-recorded a message to Kev that I played over the auditorium's loudspeaker. The basic jist of the whole message was that I was walking down the aisle toward the man I had prayed for and saved myself for ever since I was a little girl.

Apparantly, that little pre-recorded message was the topic of much discussion for many of my extended family members for many months to come! Who knew? I guess they all found it to be completely "inappropriate" because didn't I realize that there were young teenagers in my audience who heard this? Why yes, I was WELL aware of those teens....I believe I invited them to that blessed event seeing that it was my wedding and all.....

I guess the irony in the whole thing was that a comment from a twenty year old woman on her wedding day stating that she had "saved herself" for her husband who she planned to stay married to for life was completely inappropriate for a teen to hear; yet it was completely acceptable for those same teens to be taught in their schools that it's okay to have sex with whoever they want - whenever they want - just as long as they are responsible and keep it "safe."

Does anyone else not see the irony here????!!!!

Yes - I was WELL aware of the teenagers in my audience. Yes - I WANTED them to hear that waiting for sex is STILL taking place in today's culture by some. Yes - I wanted them to see that there IS another option out there. Yes - by God's grace, I am not ashamed to say out loud that I was a virgin on my wedding day. (Although, I was much more discreet than that, even. I stated, and I quote: "Ever since I was a little girl I have worn a special purity ring on my finger reminding me and those around me that I would wait for the man whose name I would one day share." I said the word "wait." I wasn't crass, and I wasn't being cocky).

And YES - a thousand times, yes - I will teach my boys that waiting for marriage is good and right. It's appropriate. It's because I love them. IT's because I want what's best for them. It's because I want to save them heartache and baggage. It's because that's God's perfect option. Might this not happen? Sure, and I will love them no less. But I want them to see what a great gift it is that they can give to their bride one day. I want them to be aware of the pitfalls they can avoid and the things that they can hold strong and fast to. I want them to view it as something to be guarded - something to be treasured. I want them to be men of integrity and purity that any young woman would be honored to marry.

And if it ruffles a few feathers along the way, that saddens me, but so be it.


Rachael said...

Amen, amen and again...AMEN!!! 'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I think that the comments your friends/family made are the EXACT reason that so many girls in Christian homes have NO CLUE about sexual stuff other than "don't do it" and therefore wind up in all sorts of challenging situations. I think what you said was entire appropriate and good! Teens need to hear that waiting is good and CAN BE DONE! I am proud to say the same thing to our youth group girls at church... even the junior highers! They are exposed to so much at school that we really have to combat the lies they are being told!

Okay, off my soapbox. : )

Sarah said...

Amen! kids & teens need to hear about sex all growing up! They need God's message about it not the worlds! They need to hear it from us!

Chantelle said...

Love seeing a little FIRE from ya, Amy! ;) Couldn't agree more either. Sex is on every magazine cover at the library, grocery store... you name it. I found that moment of your wedding PRICELESS and I would be P-R-O-U-D and T-H-R-I-L-L-E-D to have all my kids go to a wedding and hear what you said. (Heck, all my little ones have bibles and Song of Solomon is a lot spicier than that!) ;)

Kristi said...

yep - ironic. i don't think waiting is as big of a deal for people these days, which is, i think its sooo important to teach your kids and make a stand...the more we teach our kids at home the better...its a huge deal I think...