On Passion & Desire!!!

Ooooh la laaaaaa!

No, it's not really going to be THAT kind of a post. Sorry. :0)

A local church - Kev's church that he grew up in, actually - has asked me to be the speaker at their women's Valentine's Day brunch this Saturday. I was excited for the invite, because I have always loved this event; and even though we no longer attend there, I was going to happily invite myself along, so now I don't have to!

However, I'm feeling very nervous about what to share. I love people and I surely am not shy, but I have never loved speaking in front of others where everyone is just staring at me and waiting....for some tidbit of wisdom or knowledge....or something.......A majority of these women are older than I with far more life experience in EVERYTHING, and everyone else is in the same stage of life as me, so I'm a little stumped at what I am going to impart to these ladies.

So, I've been praying a lot about this and talking with Kev a lot about this, and I think I'm just going to share a little bit about why I love this crazy ministry that we're pursuing. We're all living in a story, and God has a unique part for all of us to play in this story of life. But, so often we get caught up in the mundane of all that needs to be done, that we forget....everything. We forget the big picture, we forget the part that we're supposed to be playing, we forget and lose our identity. We forget what God is calling us to do....

Or at least I do....

So, I'm going to talk a little bit about discovering and re-discovering our God given passions and desires and try to remember and relearn the value that God has placed on MY life. I want to talk a little bit about what God is calling each one of us to do and to be be. I think it's so easy for us as women - especially - to not be able to see this. One of my favorite verses from Psalms (I can't remember the reference) says something along the lines of: "You who seek the Lord, let your hearts REVIVE!" Satan comes hard after our desires to shut them down. To make us just want to "exist" and nothing more. But, God wants so much more for us!

It's all about the heart. If you shut down the heart, you shut down love. Then, you're not invested in relationships, you're not living in your calling, and you're not trusting in the Lord for each day and for the part He wants for us to play. When we are living in our calling - not our JOB - our job is just our assignment - but when we are doing what God has called us to do and to be, we bring that whereever we go....to our homes and our families, to our churches, to our jobs, etc.

I love this quote:
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes YOU come ALIVE. Then, go and do that. Because, what the world needs is people who are ALIVE!"

.....So yeah. Something along those lines, me thinks.......
But way less rambly. OR maybe not. I do tend to ramble......
Lord, give us all grace!!!!!


Jessica said...

Really, Really, Really looking forward to seeing you on Saturday :o)

Angie said...

You'll do amazing, Ame! I love listening to people when they are sharing from their heart and their passion! And the best part is...they can't disagree or argue with you, 'cause it's your heart you are sharing and what God's doing in your life. :) Wish I could be there to listen to you (and give you a big ol' hug!! :). LOVE you sooooo much, sweetie! xoxoxoxo

Katie said...

I heard it was great! So, good job, Mrs. Amy Booker! :)
