I Am Not Dead......

I'm here. Rotting at posting, as usual......

Life is getting a little ca-razy, but it's really the way we like it. Except for the wee, small fact that I have not seen a blessed friend in ages, and am feeling quite out of the loop on people's lives....

This must be remedied soon.

We just got back from being up in "The County" (Kev always mocks me when I call it that) for about 4 days. Kev spoke at my old home church both Sunday morning and evening, so we made a long week-end out of the trip. It was very nice. Always awesome to get home to see my family, my cousins, and re-connect with my home church family. And it's always awesome to get to share our ministry with people.

This week we're doing our very first kick-off with all of our deacons and wives, so that should be really cool. Our "boss" (and Kev's mentor) is coming up from Philly to help us with the first night and just to spend a little time with us up in God's Country, as well. Exciting times.

So, we'll see what comes of everything. We're so close to being able to run with everything - our leadership and team development training with churches and teams and missionaries and marriages and whoever! A few more intense months of support raising and hopefully we'll really be able to start doing what we've been chomping at the bit to do for about a year now. Scary and exciting.

For the past five years, I've never really known what my life is going to look like from one year to another. And this is no different. But, this journey of faith has made me grow and trust in ways that I have never had to do before, and I can even say that it's been fun!! I'm learning to hold things loosely, to listen to God's still small voice, to take risks and step out of my comfort zone, to be okay with the unknown, and to just walk one step at a time - trusting Him for guidance to see the next step. It's good.

Pray for us this week!


Mike Lamson said...

Amy, ever since you gave us the website for your blog we have enjoyed reading it. You two are an awesome couple with three great boys! It is always amazing how God brings things into our lives to make us stretch and grow ... so we can experience his faithfulness!! We are looking forward to Tuesday evening and beyond. So glad things went well "up in tha county"!!

Rachael said...

Great to hear that life is moving along steadily! Never a dull moment, eh? God is so good...