For the Mama Who is Grieving...

Today they play like little boys ~
...push toy boats in the stream.
They build their forts and clash their swords ~
...small boys with big, grand dreams.
 I sit and watch their innocence.
I hear their childish play.
I know another Mama
who is grieving, miles away.

Her boy is grown - he's off to war.
His fighting was not play.
And this young son will not come home.
He lost his life today.
No goodnight kiss, no hug, no touch ~
No "one last time," no wave.
Death brings such clear perspective
when a loved one's in the grave.
We'll hold their hands, but not for long ~
We'll teach them how to fly.
We'll give them wings and freedom ~
...and we'll wave them off, good-bye.

We'll trust them to HIS watch care...
...pray for safety, peace, and joy.
I have no doubt, despite their age
They'll always be our "boy."

It matters not the miles they've gone...
No matter how they've grown...
Our hearts will always linger long
With memories made of HOME.

And as I watch my three small sons
And hold them close today...
My heart bleeds for that Mama
and her boy so far away.

I'm once again reminded
of the vapor of these days.
Few years - all gifts - and then they're gone
And leave us all amazed.

Lord, help us know that You are good ~
to hold love loose - to dare....
to have the grace, the strength, and peace
to trust them to Your care.

And when we grieve, and scream loud, "WHY?!"
Lord come to us - draw near.
Remind again, that You are good...
And You are always here.

Wrap saving Love around her ~
Give her peace beyond her power.
Jesus, be beside her ~
Every day and every hour.

And those of us that have our Loves...
And live a life that's free.
May we see clear with cloudless eyes ~
...that freedom isn't free.

It's cost exacts a heavy price.
His family wears the wounds.
Oh Jesus - Father - heal our pain.
Come quickly, Lord.  Come soon.

***Thinking, and praying, and hearts breaking for the Henderson family and all of our community up HOME who have now lost two hometown heroes to this war.  A re-post from that day last year...

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