And the Days Blend On.....

Man - I seem to be becoming a horrible blog updater. I used to do it every couple of days, but if I can get to the computer weekly, I'm doing good lately.

Lots of just normal life stuff going on around here these days. Nothing overly amazing or exciting, yet the days seem to blur by at lightning speed. The nursery is almost completed, so Ransom will probably be moving in sometime this week. That always makes me kind of sad - one more chapter complete - one more sign that he's already getting bigger and bigger. This baby is just a doll and a total delight. He is really quite easy, super happy, and very mellow. What a gift! We are all just savoring him; he is truly a well loved baby around here!

The other night, we went to see a brand new baby of a couple of "kids" who used to be in our youth group. That was kind of bizarre - to now be in the same stage of life as these guys! It still didn't make me feel all that old - it was just pretty surreal.

And Kevy and I got to go on a spontaneous date - just the two of us over the week-end, as well. The days have seemed crazy lately, and life has seemed a little weird, so it was just a really special and needed time for the two of us to just "be" and talk about our life and family. We are constantly assessing and reassessing where we are at, where we are going, what's happening with loved ones in our lives, how are we doing at this whole parenting of three thing, etc. etc. etc.

It's really been hitting me kind of hard lately that this could possibly be my last year in this specific chapter of life that we are in right now should we choose to go the Christian school route for Kaden next year. This could very well be my very last year to have ALL of my kids home with me. I don't really like change anyway, and I don't know if "greiving" is too strong of a word, but it has just been hitting me kind of hard lately.

In sharing with Kev on our date, we both got all choked up and teary just talking about it! We're still wrestling with and praying about what direction the Lord wants us to take with our kids. There seems to be so many pros and cons to any decision, really. And every family is so different - different values, different convictions, different goals for what they want their lives to look like - so we can talk to people and get wisdom and advice, but ultimately it'll be something that we'll need to decide between us and the Lord.

I still have several months to go, but it's just another reminder to savor these days and THESE moments that we are living in RIGHT NOW. The days may be long sometimes, but the years truly ARE fleeting......

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh Amy, I totally understand the "greiving". It hit me really hard at the beginning of the year, that this might be Lexi's last year at home if we decide to send her to Christian school instead of home schooling. We are still praying about it too.