I Kept My Word......

I have always said that - as far as memory making things go - what I do for one of my kids I will do for the others. And I must say, that now that Number 3 is here, I understand why each successive child gets a skinnier baby book, fewer pics in the albums - let alone a picture ALONE all by themselves, and a far less strict Mommy when it comes to such things as - oh shall we say - no junk food the first year of life, no hot dogs or processed food. Period., no t.v. the first year of life....etc. etc. etc. - all of those things.

I don't think Kaden had a hot dog the first TWO years of his life. And I KNOW that he didn't have any junk food until a little cupcake on his first birthday. I am embarassed to admit to you today that - although neither boy gets them very often - if you ask them what their fave food is, it will be - hands down - hot dogs. Ah well. Can't win em all.

As far as little Rancey Pants goes, he is on a strict Mama's milk diet, but everything else might be a little slacking. He sure as heck isn't getting the amount of baths that his brothers did in a week. I like to console myself by saying he's a winter baby and the house is cold. But there are many other areas, as well, where I'm just a whole lot more chill about this time around. I still like a rhythm and routine - I am a schedule person - but it's a little more loose this time. If the boys wake him up from a nap, not a huge deal. I'm not impressed, but on the grand scale of life, it's no biggy. If he doesn't sleep through the night consistently for a couple more months, I don't care. And if he needs to eat before the three hour mark, not a huge deal.

I'm relaxing. A bit, anyway. :0) And I am thoroughly enjoying him. He doesn't scream like my others.......

My biggest stresser in this little guy's life thus far has been my lack of getting out a baby announcement for him. I could really give a flying flip this time around, nor do we have the time or money to do so, but I made a solemn vow to myself that I would be fair across the board.

So. It's done folks. It's definitely not top notch, it looks quite unprofessional, and I got his length wrong on the stats. But it's done. The hospital gave me a program that would give me some free announcements, so that's what we did. Both Kev and I are convinced the program was possessed, but we got 'er done.

Dear friends, please don't be offended if you do not receive one of these beauties. You are NOT missing out. We didn't get many done and they are mostly going out to immediate family, but at least he will have a little announcement to place on the front page of his very own - non-existent-at-the-moment - baby album.


Rachael said...

haha! Welcome to the world of "3", eh, Amy?! I told Shawn that if the Lord ever gave us another, we'd just let Kaytlin raise him/her...

Kristi said...

i love ya - i love reading your blog, so funny. you're so great, Ame - hope you're enjoying your Christmas...sorry about our 'cut short' phone call the other day...maybe this week?! Much love, friend. Merry Christmas.