On Our Own.

London will be three weeks old on Thursday...and yet today was the very first day of my being home alone as a Mama of four.  And I am fully aware of how spoiled I was this time around.  Mom and Dad took the three larger Hoolies up home for an entire week when she was first born, so that I could have that time to get to know her, to rest up, and to savor her...which I totally did.  And then, when Mom brought them back to me, she stayed another week with us and was just an awesome presence in both "mothering" me and "grandmothering" all of my babies.  She cooked, she cleaned, she loved on babies, and she was also able to be a part of the kids' AWANA Grand Prix car races, their AWANA closing program, AND their epic birthday bash of redneck gloriousness.

And so today, with London already being at the ripe old age of 13 days, we began the journey of our "new normal."  And it wasn't half bad - despite the fact that from 1:00 a.m. on last night, she decided to wake up every hour and a half right up until 7:00 a.m.  It was awesome.  And I could hardly peel my eyes open when Kev left for work this morning.  He leaned over and kissed me good-bye and asked in a worried voice:  "Are you overwhelmed?"  I believe it would have taken far too much brain power to be overwhelmed....so I went with:  "No...just...tired."

Like semi-truck-just-ran-over-me - tired.
However, one very bold cup of coffee later (thank you, dear cousin Jodi, for the Balzaks), and some glorious sunshine outside to boot -- and the day went pretty swimmingly, if I do say so myself.

Although, she did holler bloody murder while I was trying to get my bread out of the oven first thing this morning.  To which Jesse said in an anguished voice:  "Mama - please go and get her.  My heart is just breaking!"  To which I replied:  "Mama has only two hands...that's all God gave me...and both are being used right now.  She will not die, I assure you.  And you'll probably be hearing a whole lot more of where that came from in days to come."  However....once the bread was out, the baby was brought down, she was amply loved upon, and all was once again right in the world - as far as babies and blonde big brothers were concerned...
More pets.
Joy unspeakable and full of glory...

And for our big doings on this our first day home alone all together, we had her have her first debut in the Snugli for our 2 mile walk that we take most days - down a sweet little development that dead end's at a fun little bog.  It's a little boy's paradise.  And whilst her brothers biked and ran, and caught tadpoles and frogs, ate snacks and ran wild - she snoozed on.

All the way down and all the way back.
It was a good day.
We shall see what fun doings tonight has in store for us....

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