What NOT to Expect When You're Expecting!

Vacation: Day 1

I believe the words out of my brother's mouth were: "Hey, Kevin! Do you want to go mudding?"

So, off we went - our whole family on three four-wheelers. Mom & Dad took theirs; my brother with his wife and Kaden took another; and Kevin, Jesse, & I rode the third. This is the sort of thing that we live for when we go home. Our whole family LOVES to go four-wheeling. And we had an extra treat in that my cousin lent us their two new ones, so we each got to ride on our own rather than be pulled along in a wagon "Beverly Hillbilly" style. (Mind you - that's fun, as well!)

Anyway, we didn't get too far on our ride when we saw this side trail that was buried in a couple of feet of muddy water. That's where this whole mudding idea came in. Aaron, Jules, & Kaden went in first and we followed. To get out of this trail, there's a bit of a steep embankment that you have to pop up over. It shouldn't really have been too big of a deal. But, we were on new wheelers and didn't realize that we had to manually push her over into 4-wheel drive - aaaaaaand because we didn't put it over - coming up out of the embankment she stalled.

And we flipped.

It was a bit of a shocker - we all got submerged and Jesse came up screaming! The first thing that I heard went I came up for air was Kaden cackling gleefully in the background! After if all happened, he looked over at Grammy and noncholantly said: "Well! I'm sure glad I wasn't riding on THAT 4-wheeler!" He wouldn't ride with us for the rest of the week-end! Luckily, Mom had a handful of wild strawberries in her hand, and as soon as she offered some to Jesse he was fine!

It took me five shampoos to get all of that crud out of my hair! On the way home to shower, I asked Jesse if that was fun and if he wanted to do it again. His response? "Yep. But, me no get in bathtub!" He was more concerned that he was having to miss out on more wheeling by going home to get clean!

And my wee babe within - well, Mom just about had a hernia worrying that I was going to go into pre-term labor. I assured her that he's plenty protected! Besides, it's all part of the indoctrination into the Booker family! And what a way to start our vacation!

My Dad got a good part of the whole escapade taped on his camera, so in a couple of days, I'll see if I can get it up for your viewing pleasure! It surely was an experience......


rachael a said...

yes. that's the first thing i wanted to know. . did you get it on camera! :) haha! good TIMES. you guys are the best.

Rachael said...

Haha! I was laughing hard at how many bodies you guys can fit on a four wheeler before the whole mud story even began!!! Way too funny! That's mudding...redneck style!! (And pregnant even!! You are one crazy momma! Love it!)