Our - Lord willing - soon to be House!

So, here are a few pics of the house that will hopefully be ours by the end of September. There are still several details that have to fall into place, but hopefully they are just that - details - and there will be no major glitches in the rest of the process.

Here she is!
Please note: The fire engine red shutters and doors will be repainted as soon as this body has healed from giving birth and as soon as there's a little extra cash for some paint. This project is on the top of my list of things to change.

However, I fully realize that there most likely will not be any "extra" for quite some time, so just envision with me - some other, er, less flashy color!

Here's a pic of the back. Cute little deck. Nice little lawn. Clothes line that goes from the house to a tree. She's a little funky shaped - half salf box, half ranch - but, I've got to admit, she's kind of growing on me. And the inside is pretty fun and cozy. Only cosmetic changes that will really need to take place.

And one of my most favorite features: tucked way to the left side of the property is a fairly honking garden. We'll probaby just use half of it next year - break ourselves in gently - and make the other half into more of a lawn, but I am super excited to grow some things with the boys!

An older gentlemen who lives next door owns 75 acres behind us, and Kev already got permission to hunt the land and to explore with the boys. Finally - some wide open spaces where my family is going to (Lord, willing) be able to run wild and free!

We're still waiting and praying - knowing that things could possibly fall through. But, we both have peace that whatever the Lord wants to happen - that's what will take place. The timing is a little crazy, and I have a list a mile long of what I would like to get accomplished before the baby arrives, but I am surprisingly chill about the whole thing! Whatever will be, will be.......


Rachael said...

Woo-hoo!! I love it, Amy! How wonderful it will be for the boys to have a place to run and play!

Angie Cousins said...

It was great to meet you again the other day! I found your blog on Sarah's (with a bum ankle I'm spending way more time online than usual)!:) The house is cute- I hope that all the details come together quickly and smoothly! Maybe we'll see you again next week!

rachael a said...

yeaaaeeeeeeee!! i can't WAIT to see it inside! let's get this party started !

Shannie said...

I'm kinda liking the red :) and the porch is wonderful. Oh you'll have such wonderful years here!!

Unknown said...

Very nice, very nice. Hope it all works out for you. If you need any help with the moving, I will be done in a heartbeat.

rachael a said...

so this house of yours. . is three houses before the turn off to my mom and dad's. :) it's MUCH closer then you thought. :) good times!

Cheryl said...

I asked Sarah, "Isn't that so and so's house?" She wasnt' sure. I was positive it was, because I drive by it all the time. But I drove by again yesterday, just to make sure. Yup! Cool. Sarah is friends with, and used to work with the wife and her mom and dad at their store! They're good folks. I hope you get it and that all the paperwork goes through smoothly. And hope the baby holds off until you get moved in! :-)