Hello! Hello!

Just grabbing a couple of minutes before kidlets wake up from their naps to catch up on the bloggy world. Our little family has been out in Pennsylvania for the past week and a half visiting with friends and our church family out here and doing some support raising for our ministry. We'll be here a few more days, and then we'll head for home on Friday or Saturday.

It's been a wonderful visit seeing people again, trying to catch up on a year of everyone's lives, and also finding time for some fun things like the zoo and the beach, some walks and bike rides, and some decent family time together. The weather has been gorgeous - I'm finally getting my "sun fix," and I'm sweating like a pig in the process! I always felt slightly moldy during the summers out here, and we have definitly had to reaclimate to the humidity!

Somehow, I got myself into some poison ivy again. It's all over my left arm and I have a couple of spots on my neck, as well. I have just accepted the fact that this will now be a part of each of my summers. Like a moth to a flame, my body seems to be attracted to it, and I really don't know how to avoid it having two little boys who have to explore all of God's creation. It's inevitable, methinks.

Anyway, just a really brief update. I want to grab a couple of seconds to read everyone else's blogs before the kids wake up, so I'm going to sign off. Shannon, oh man - I hope you guys don't hate us for all of the fishy sitting that you have been doing. If they kick the bucket, feel free to flush.......

Love to all.....

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