The Doctor Will See You Now!

Our kids had their well-child check-ups yesterday with our new family physician. He is a family friend who attends our old church and we love Love LOVE him!!! He is a holistic doctor who is totally on the exact same page as we are with immunizations, our birthing plan for this new little one that will soon be joining us, and really just EVERYTHING!

It was such a refreshing visit going from our "Queen of Immunizations" pediatrician that we had in PA to this man who loves the Lord, loves our family, and just pretty much totally rocks.

He told us that both boys are on target to be over six feet tall when they grow up. He said that Kaden will be long and lean and Jesse will be tall and a bruiser! Jesse is - right now - in the 95% for a THREE YEAR OLD!!! This child just turned 2!!! He said - "I can tell that you're starving this kid!" Pretty funny.

Jesse did have to have one shot - which he was totally not impressed with. The rest of the day, whenever he looked at the bandaid on his leg he would say: "That lady - she SHOT me!"

Anyway, we're just really thankful for this practice and for two healthy little boys. What a breathe of fresh air!


rachael a said...

who is this guy ames? do you think he could take on sam? he sounds fabulous. we're all sweating off pounds here at camp but couldn't be happier about the heat. as long as its not raining!! :)

Sarah said...

Oh man I love Dr. J!!! Miss him! But he did refer us to a guy with his same philosophy right here in our neck of the woods who seems equally as awesome. Cracks me up about Jesse...I can just hear him saying that in his very own Jesse way!!!

Katie said...

*dies laughing*

Oh my goodness, Jesse, Jesse. Not one to hold grudges, I see. ;)