This And That.

I am feeding my boys grape nuts for breakfast - hot with a touch of brown sugar, the way I grew up eating them. They are all less than impressed with this new taste treat, and they have kindly told me that they would be happy to never eat them again. The negotiations have begun for an alternative breakfast. I have told them that some kids eat mud for breakfast, so "bottoms up," boys.

My mercy gift is strong today.

Well, here we are at Day #2 after our late night of partying, and I am still bleary eyed. One of the boys was crying in the middle of the night last night, and as I "flew from my bed to see what was the matter" I promptly ran right smack into one of our bedroom walls.

It was awesome.
So today, I not only have the typical fuzz head of sleep deprivation, but I also have a raging headache to boot. I'm going to be on top of my game today. I can just feel it in my bones.

(This little boy has a fat lip right now from taking a digger on a train table; and I find his new look equally adorable and hilarious).
* * * * *
Last week, in a moment of weakness, I taught the boys an old Christmas tune that one of my brothers taught me years ago. It goes along to the tune of Jingle Bells, but the lyrics are geared more"boy humor."

Allow me to share the song that I am now hearing at least a kajillion times a day:
"Jingle Bells, Santa smells -
Fifty miles away.
Blows his nose in his Cheerios -
And he eats them every day! HEY!"

Other variations have included thus far:
"Wipes his nose with his stinky toes..." and
"Picks his nose with his smelly toes..."

The creativity in this house is astounding.
And I am really starting to regret that moment of weakness...
I knew I would, but I just couldn't help myself the other day.
I am a weak woman.
* * * * *
We cooked and crafted yesterday. If you can call it that. I don't really remember yesterday, actually, but I have the pictures to prove that we did indeed do something.

These are the little yummies that we are gifting out to our neighbors.
Homemade peppermint patties.
Easy sneezy, very few ingredients, and taste just like the peppermint patties you'd buy in the store. Or better.

Here's what you do:
Take 1 8oz. package of softened cream cheese, and in a large bowl beat this with 2 teaspoons of PURE peppermint extract until fluffy. Slowly add 9 (NINE!!!) cups of confectioner's sugar and beat until fully combined. Mix thoroughly with hands.

Shape into 1 inch balls. Place on waxed paper-lined baking sheets. Flatten into patties. Cover and refrigerate for one hour or until chilled.

In a microwave melt 1 1/2 cups milk chocolate chips, 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips, and 3-5 Tablespoons shortening. (I know. This is the only recipe in my house that we use shortening for. I justify it by saying that the entire recipe has not a single ounce of health in it, so go big or go home, baby).

Cool slightly. Dip patties in melted chocolate, and place on waxed paper until firm. Store in the fridge. Yeilds about 4 dozen.

There you have it. Joy to the world.

Happy "Six Days Before Christmas!"


KateO said...

Laughing at you teaching the boy lyrics to Jingle Bells. in a moment of weakness, I once taught one of mine an alternate version to "God Bless America". It starts "God bless my underwear, my only pair...'
not a good move on my part...
Merry Christmas!

rachael a said...

rare form dearie.

rare form. :)
haha! love it.

smack into a wall sounds like fun. it's the middle of the night parenting that keeps us . . . something.. . i couldn't think of anything to say about that after all.

oh well