Miracle of Miracles!

We have had a break through today folks! I'm not getting my hopes up just yet, but for Jesse's afternoon nap, he is going on two hours!!! Whoo-hoo! He woke up forty-five minutes into it - just like he always does - but after just five or ten minutes of crying, he fell back asleep, and he is in la-la land even as I post! Heavenly day, I'm so excited......but not TOO excited, just in case this was a rare moment. But I know that he can do it now! Whoo-hoo! My childless friends, I'm sure this probably seems like no big deal to you, but I assure you - it's big doings! It means afternoons of getting things accomplished, of quiet, quality uninterrupted devotions, of supper being made by suppertime, and (gasp!) maybe even a little bit of scrapbooking. But, like I said.....no huge celebrations yet. Just one more baby step of victory!


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Awww...no kiddos yet, but...I can appreciate your need of him having a longer nap!! How nice for you! I tried to call you lastnight, but it kept ringing busy...I'll try you again this weekend! Love ya, old friend...

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Hello again, dearie...got your email...and, just wanted to tell you today that...I HOPE to talk with you tonight...anyways...my work schedule is all over the place these days, so I feel like I'm not into much of a routine, but...I should be home tonight, so...hopefully we'll get a chance to chat!! Hope your day is going just fine!!! Love ya, old friend!
